Letter To Isolation Journal - Day 6

Dear Isolation Journal,

The writing prompt today is to write about what you see with your eyes closed; really explain it until it becomes a story.


I had this experience just last week so I’m not going to do it now because it makes me sleepy. At least it does at night. I’ve never done it in the morning.

There was a day last week where I’d had an overload of news and I could NOT fall asleep. Maybe it was the week before because I’m losing track of time. I remember is was 2:08am when I last looked at the clock. I’d been up to drink Chamomile and Lavender tea and read from a book, but all I felt was exhaustion. I finally got in the bed and closed my eyes because they were tired.

Sometimes what I see behind my eyes is just blackness. Sometimes I see interference. Sometimes I see “tickly lights”.

The writing prompt email referenced “tickly lights” and that’ll forever be my name for it. I didn’t know this light show behind ones eyes was a thing.

This particular night morning when I closed my eyes, I pulled back the curtain on blackness, walked through interference and into the tickly lights. It’s so beautiful. For me that night it was like walking into a colorful night sky as it moves and transcends.

If you go far enough you can pull the curtain back on snapshots of memories. It’s like developing black and white film. I usually fall asleep there before I can bring them into focus.

That night I pulled back the curtain to somewhere I’d never been before. There was a beach in the distance and I could see the sun would be rising soon, but I wasn’t close enough to get a good picture. I kept taking pictures with my phone and saying, “Gorgeous.”

There was a ladder on the side of a building that I thought would lead me to a better view, but the wall of the building obstructed my view. I was running out of time.

As I was going down the ladder I felt dizzy. I put my phone in my pocket to get a better grip on the ladder but I felt like I was going to fall. I said to myself, “I’m going to fall. I’m not going to make it.” Then I said, “Oh, I’m falling asleep” as all of me let go and fell into the darkness.

I can’t believe I remember all of that. It’s possible that it’s the farthest I’ve ever gone. I’m definitely going to try and go beyond the tickly lights more often.

It has never been a scary place.

Sporadically Yours, Kenya

P.S. If you’d like to receive the daily writing prompts for The Isolation Journals, click here.


Letter To Isolation Journal - Day 15


Letter To Isolation Journal - Day 5