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How Do You Take Your Coffee?
Marketing Marketing

How Do You Take Your Coffee?

I can only drink black coffee with dessert. Christopher has described the latest edition of The Christopher Chronicles as "delectable", so you might want to give this combo a try. Your coffee may be bitter with no cream or sugar, so you might be spitting it out either way...

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I went back to the drawing board...
Marketing Marketing

I went back to the drawing board...

Yesterday didn't quite go as planned. My team lost the Super Bowl for one. But leading up to that I burnt dinner and I had to go back to the drawing board. I've been getting up at 5:00 am for countless days straight, so being tired and burnt beans had everything to do with my bad mood yesterday. Fortunately, the schools were on a two-hour delay today and I gave myself an extra hour in bed. So I've got a little pep back in my still grumpy step.

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