A Fleetwood Mac Inspired Plant Name

“#Shadows and cloudy days! #greenspaces #plantsMakePeoplehappy

— Frantastically Fran

I told myself a couple months ago that I didn't need anymore plants and I’d only get one if it were a Chameleon ZZ or a Birds of Paradise which I have yet to find. I went into Lowe’s today, going against my mental promise and bought a Calathea the most troublemaker plant of all. I was so giddy about the purchase that I wanted to share how she got her name.


Meet Rhi

I was in Lowe’s looking at all the plants, standing on the promise to not get one unless I saw what I’d specifically been looking for. Then I saw this Calathea, among others like her. I’d also promised myself that I’d never get another Calathea. They are dramatic and unforgiving if you’ve made a mistake in their care. I have two in the graveyard outside, and one in the kitchen not living her best life. My justification for buying Rhi, I haven’t had this one - a Rose-painted Calathea (roseopicta) and it’s in a self-watering pot. A self-watering pot is half the battle. So we shall see how it goes.

Rhi was not the best of the bunch, but she was the one that said, “take me home”. I picked dead leaves off on my way to the register. At the register I gave my phone number for the military discount and began to fish out cash from my wallet. I was within a dollar and some change and said, “One second, I know I have loose change down here.” The cashier said, “Hold on”, clicked some buttons on the register and gave me a reduced price of 50%! I said, “What did you do!” She said, “I marked her down as distressed.” I said, “Well she is really, but this is the one I wanted. Thank you so much!” I told her she made my day as I was leaving store.

I was grinning from ear to ear in the parking lot when I decided to go back in to ask the cashier her name. She said, “It’s Rhi.” I said, “I’m going to name my plant after you.” Then she told me her actual name was Rhiannon, she said, “It’s a Fleetwood Mac song!” So I played Rhiannon on the way home while telling my plant Rhi that was her name and she had her own song. When I got home I added Rhiannon to a playlist I have created on Spotify.

Sporadically Yours, Kenya


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