
This sign is useless

This sign is useless

Because I don't have time to get in here and write something new, I thought I'd leave a few breadcrumbs leading to some archives. You can just pick one. How about that?

1) 21 actions in reverse psychology to get your man to do stuff - this was strangely popular and shared A LOT!

#11 Make him disappear - Get on the phone with your mother - or his

2) The first post I ever wrote introducing - My Daddy

3) Perhaps the best poem I have ever written - Oxygen Therapy - I like to go there and read it when I need to breathe.

4) His and Hers - Update - a space we no longer share because we couldn't fit in it at the same time without annoyingly bumping and rolling into each other.  

5) Memories - Landline Tribute

1982 - dialing 777-9311 to see if Prince would answer.

That's all folks! I'm putting finishing touches on my SAMOUNCEMENT.

Here's the thing... for the amount of time it took me to put this together, I could have written something!

Kenya G. Johnson

Linked up with Tuesday Archive Linkup (TALU) - "Because archives deserve a second chance."


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I didn't mean to laugh...