Win, Lose or Draw...

I've lost sleep over this last post of the year thinking about what impression to leave you with.

Between December 1st and 24th I gained five new e-mail subscribers and I don't know from whence post they came. 

Oh my do I get nervous about my next post when I get a new e-mail subscriber!

E-mail subscribers are hard to get. Sometimes I've gained and lost the same subscriber in the same month. Ouch.

Side note - BIG THANK YOU to everyone who stopped by, read and/or commented on my advent posts between December 1st and 24th!  

Anyway... FIVE EMAIL SUBSCRIBERS! That's major right?

That brings my total e-mail subscribership to a whopping thirty-FIVE. So I'm nervous because I don't want to lose anyone with my last keepin' it real post of the year.


I constantly have to remind myself - when I'm feeling that competitive blogging spirit -

WHY I started this blogging journey... 

It had nothing to do with "blogging" and everything to do with writing. 

So about my 2014 blogging goals...

Here's the thing...

I don't have any.

Win, Lose or Draw...

If I win at blogging, then I lose at writing. I'm not changing my game.


Thank you to my new subscribers!

I write a sporadic publication and it's a mixed bag of sporadic stuff... "like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get." 

Linking this post with Finish the Sentence Friday. The original sentence was My blogging goals for this year are...

Finish the Sentence Friday

Your FTSF Hosts:

Stephanie @ Mommy, for Real

Kristi @ FindingNinee 

Janine @ Confessions of a Mommyaholic 

Kate @ Can I Get another bottle of Whine


Matters of the Heart...


A Christmas Eve Story...