Compliments: To fish or not to fish...

My husband doesn't pay me compliments. Not in the way I think is "traditional". He grabs and gropes and hugs and kisses. Depending on how my fluff is going he might call me juicy or firm in his own flattering tone. I'm not one to ask, "How do I look or what do you think?" I can tell by the way that he looks at the top of my head that he doesn't like for me to wear a decorative head scarf. I can tell by the way he looks at the top of my head that he wonders if I will fix my hair today. I can tell by the twinkle in his eye when he thinks my hair looks nice. 

I've been married 15 years. I pick my battles. Fishing for compliments isn't one of them.

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Kenya G. Johnson (Author)

Lesson from an 8 yo boy: I pulled up to the house and my husband was sitting on the front porch. I said, "I think daddy is so handsome." ~pause~ "Do you think he thinks I'm pretty?" Christopher said, "Yeah." I said, "He doesn't ever say it." He said, "Doesn't he kiss you?" I said, "Yeah." He said, "Well that's a sign of prettiness." And there you have it.

So on to yesterday's dinner...

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Kenya G. Johnson

It's really not cool to ask what's for dinner on the way home from church. Not cool :-/

Then as we pulled in the driveway Christopher asked, "What's for breakfast mom?" I responded, "I don't knoooooow" in the sing songy ya'll better leave me alone kind of way. We just got out of church and they were rubbing my spirit the wrong way.

I put on my headphones to listen to an audiobook and got busy in the kitchen. The best way to get them to leave you alone and stay out of the kitchen is to feed them well. So I made waffles, eggs and sausage. It really stinks to have to plan the next meal when you've just eaten. But in order to relax, I too needed to know what was on the menu. So I got on Facebook.

I found a recipe called Cajun Chicken with Pepper Jack on a Facebook page full of recipes and good stuff. The owner, Carl Barbaro has a note on this page that says:

"This Album is FREE to Share! The same is true for my "Healthy Stuff" Album, and my "Bible Writings And Videos" Album. Enjoy! If you try a Recipe, let us know on a Scale of 1-10, in the "Comments" section of the Picture, of the Recipe, you made!"


You should definitely go check him out. He's not on Pinterest. I already checked. So there's no way to share his pretty picture. These are mine. They are are boneless chicken breasts, stuffed with spinach and pepper jack cheese, seasoned with cajun spices and brushed with olive oil. I served this with Mahatma Yellow Rice. For me this meal had too much sodium so I ate something else. But I watched my boys eat. 

Without hovering, I noticed baby bear sample the chicken. His body language much like he daddy relaxed and settled in for a good dinner. He ate his rice first, which meant he was saving the best for last. Then I peered at Papa Bear, who eats something new in a way that a food critic does. He too sampled it, relaxed and settled in for a good dinner. Good enough for me. Nobody had to say anything. They liked it!

Then I got the ultimate compliment. I heard my husband say, "Hey Kenya, come here for a minute." :/"/>

From his tone, I knew it was about the food though it's unusual for him to say anything at all.

I said, "Yes?" /:)

He said, "This was really good."


I said, "Ooookay? Thanks." #:-S"So it's a keeper?"

He said, L-) "You know what would make it REALLY good?"

"What?" 8-|

He said, :-@

Here's the thing... and that's how I'm going to let him make it next time.


Networking on Weight Watchers...


Are you in the zone?