Snacks on Weight Watchers...

Weight Watchers Week 9 Update

This week I was going to tell you that I didn't seem to snack so much anymore. Then I almost blew my week on a NEW snack that I'm not even going to tell you about. I'll share the recipe around grazing season - somewhere between Thanksgiving and Christmas. By then I hope to have a grip on self-control of the unmentionable snack, and I'll be able to make 'em, taste 'em and give 'em away as gifts. Until then...

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Kenya G. Johnson (Author)

There's Oreos, Goldfish, Popcorn, Ritz and Fruit Snacks here. But nooooooo Christopher likes my 1 point Rice Cakes! Really? #WeightWatchers

I can guarantee you that if there were no other snack in the house, Christopher would not want a rice cake. I had bought the caramel flavored rice cakes for myself obviously. Who else keeps rice cakes around just for snacks? Not me - before now.  One day Christopher saw me eating one and insisted on tasting it. Since I didn't want him to take a bite out of my calculation I told him to go get his own. He gobbled it up and said, "Not bad." After that, every time he saw me eating a rice cake, he wanted one. So next time I went to the store, I decided to buy the plain ones instead. He said they had "no taste" and he was right. What was I going to do with these tasteless rice cakes?

I now eat the plain rice cakes with Sabra's Roasted Red Pepper Hummus. You can generously divide 1/4 cup of Hummus and spread onto two rice cakes. Two of these with a cup of tea, diet soda or glass of water is very satisfying. This snack is 5 - points.

I like to carve out 7 points of Hummus at the start of the day. Scoop out a 1/2 cup of Hummus in the morning and save for later. Allot 2 more points for rice cakes and use the remaining Humus on something like cucumber or zucchini sandwiches, or baby carrots (zero points). 

You may think 9 points out of the day is too much for Hummus and rice cakes but look at it this way:

View fullsize

Not bad huh? Or did I lose you?

I'll tell you the truth, if you are just starting Weight Watchers or some kind of eating right regimen, it would be hard to just jump in from eating Doritos yesterday to Hummus tomorrow. You have to acquire a taste for healthy and you have to mix it up. 

Something I learned a long the way is that you can be satisfied with a healthy snack like this. Your brain will tell you that you are full and you will be fine with that.

Here's the thing... if you spend 9 points on a bag of Doritos, you aren't going to be satisfied. Whether you are hungry or not you'll want the taste of more Doritos. I mentioned in my opening that I almost blew my week. I'll tell you that it involved pecans. Sounds healthy right? Well they aren't points friendly AT ALL. Half a cup of pecan halves is 10 points. I couldn't even calculate the butter and sugar that I'm not telling you about.  On Wednesday of last week, I had to erase my weekly fun points because the fun had been had. For the rest of the WHOLE week, I had to stick to the script.

The moral to this story is find a healthy snack that tastes good, but not so good that you want to eat it twice. You know what I mean? Who eats two apples in a row?

Week Nine: Lost .5 lbs Total Loss: 7 lbs

Join me next Wednesday for another edition of Weight Watchers Wednesday.


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