Easy Peasy Super Bowl Fixin's


We are going to a Super Bowl party tomorrow at a neighbors house this year. It is certainly more entertaining to watch the game with a crowd of people. If we were staying at home, I'd miss the commercials from dozing off. 

I thought I'd share the recipe to my junk food contribution for tomorrow's grazing fest. I'm making Tex-Mex Chili Bake, which I blogged about last summer and I am making...

Easy Peasy Peanut Butter Crackers

All you need is:

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  • 1 package of Almond Bark
  • 1 box of Ritz Crackers
  • 1 jar of Peanut Butter
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Generously spread the peanut butter in between two crackers and set them aside. Melt the Almond Bark per the package instructions and dip the crackers into the melted chocolate until covered. They cool within minutes and then you can pack 'em up.

I made these for my daddy's birthday basket. I had them packaged so nicely, he was surprised that they weren't store bought. He also said they taste better than his favorite Girl Scout cookies, the peanut butter sandwich ones. So if you like those Girl Scout cookies, these are like that with a crunch.

Here's the thing... don't try these at home. Take them to the party, where you'll be too ashamed to eat one after another.


5 minutes: Untitled


Tardy for the Party...