Thanksgiving Promo


I'm not selling anything really, but I was trying to get you here with the title. So here goes...

This is the first year I’m not “all organized” for the holidays.  I have groceries but I don’t have my menu nicely printed with whose bringing what or what exactly I am cooking.  It’s in my head but I’ve always been one to put a Thanksgiving menu in an Excel spreadsheet which has a column showing exactly how many sticks of butter I will need. I could very well be surprised tomorrow or even Thursday that I don’ t have something that I need and have to count on 24/7 Walmart to come to the rescue. That is so unlike Kenya. I usually have it planned so that I don’t have to step a foot back in Walmart until waaaaay after Black Friday. 

My focus has changed. I have been working on something that I will VERY SOON announce is ready.  You will be surprised to know what the little secret is I’ve been keeping to myself.   That aside though, as of this moment I am 3,697 words into writing a book.  This is the book I have been waiting to be born. I knew it was in me but I didn’t know how to get it out.  For that matter, I didn’t know WHAT it would even be about.

This time last week, November 15that 9pm, I was listening to a teleconference called HOW TO "SUCCEED" WRITING: Books, Blogs, Movies or Plays. A friend of mine had forwarded me an e-vite and I shrugged and said, “Why not? It’s free.”  The time was perfect. The day would be over, and my son would be asleep. All I would have to do is stay up for one more hour, sit and listen to someone else talk on my unlimited AT&T night minutes. 

At 9pm I was set up with one of my pretty journals that I never write in, headphones plugged into my iPhone and my daily supplement; 2 oz of frozen m&m’s. The first thing I wrote down was Destiny Demands Diligence.  At 10pm when the call was over, I was wide awake.  I was already inspired, but the call lit a fire under my inspiration. 

When I don’t know what to do with all I have in my head I pace while I sort it out. My lips are folded in as I tap my face constantly and pensively.  There was no way to Excel spreadsheet my ideas. I was tired and feeling a little cuckoo with bright ideas. I was looking cuckoo walking circles in a square house tapping my face.  I sent the speaker, Vondell Richmond, an e-mail asking for the powerpoint presentation he had mentioned that would show me how to write a book in the 30 days. I then wrote down the title of my book at went to bed.  

By midday of the next day I knew what my book was about. Two days later I had my outline completed. By Friday, my book had me. My sleep pattern was off; I was getting up in the middle of the night to write! Today I have completed Chapter 2. Tonight’s class is called Write Faster.  What!? So here you are. If you are reading this today, it is not too late to register for tonight’s class here. After tonight, there are still two more sessions of FREE information, so get it in where you can fit it in but do it at 9:00pm TONIGHT!

So now my commercial is over. My blog was supposed to be about grocery shopping and Thanksgiving.

So yesterday I was in the commissary, without a list or a plan, hoping to get the last of what I needed. In the checkout line in the commissary, you are supposed to wait for the automated, “Next Please”, and then look to see which aisle light is flashing. The cashier closest to me was pretty much done with her current customer. The lady behind me says, “Isn’t two open?” That sounds casual and nice the way I wrote it. How about if she said it like this, “Isn’t T(spit)WO Open?” . If I added a head roll I would be exaggerating but it sounded like she had a headroll goin’ on. I turned around and gave her my mother’s glare. The kind of glare that looks over glasses, with a raised eyebrow and says, “Excuse me?” without words. Over the glasses that I wasn’t wearing, I nicely said, “Not yet” like “DUH”. Then I push my invisible glasses back up and turn around. The automated thing says, “Next Please”, and I move into Checkout 2.  I turn around and give the lady one more glare for emphasis.

Here’s the thing…I am not ready for these holiday shopping attitudes.  It’s groceries for Thanksgiving, not an evacuation!  I’m trying to get back home and write a book; you don’t see me getting all huffy about it.

Happy Thanksgiving!


My Daddy (a possible series)


Mama Bear is NOT Happy with Happy Feet 2