Letter To Day 72

Dear Day Seventy-Two,

I just got my computer back after seven days of not having it. I got her for Christmas in 2014. She was disguised in a very large box and I thought my husband went all out and bought me an iMac. What I got was the Mac Mini and it was what I’d asked for with all the rationale about it being cheaper, I already had a monitor, keyboard and mouse. But you know how it is when you ask for something that you know you’re going to get and then you think it’s more than what you asked for. I wasn’t disappointed… but you know.

At the time my computer was my computer, for writing and doing whatever. Then in the last few years it was more for business, having more stuff on it and despite cloud storage she started slowing down.

If you’re familiar with the Mac beachball, it’s like Windows hourglass; the beach ball wouldn’t let me multi-task and slowed me down tremendously. I waited until after Christmas to start complaining about her speed because I didn’t want to get a “work” computer for Christmas.

My husband just happened to be standing by while I was updating our website and I got a pop-up message that said, “This webpage is using significant memory…”. Which means I had to close all other tabs and programs, to be able to continue what I was doing at a sloth’s pace.

Anyway, I already knew the prices of a new iMac and new Mac Mini, and I threw those numbers out to him. He went and got a quote on upgrading mine the next day. To get a good cleansing and a new hard drive, it would be $700 cheaper than anything else we did and still be more computer than having a new one. Done deal.

So here I am, back to my long lost blog writing something. It would be great if sloth speed had something to do with not blogging, but where there’s a will there’s a way and I hadn’t had the will. Speed is my inspiration today though. Hope to be back soon, because my writing room is my happy place.

Sporadically Yours, Kenya


Letter To Day 76


Letter Inspired by the Writing Prompt “Currently”