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How Do You Take Your Coffee?
Marketing Marketing

How Do You Take Your Coffee?

I can only drink black coffee with dessert. Christopher has described the latest edition of The Christopher Chronicles as "delectable", so you might want to give this combo a try. Your coffee may be bitter with no cream or sugar, so you might be spitting it out either way...

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A Renounced Stay At Home Mom

A Renounced Stay At Home Mom

It wasn't until Christopher graduated from Pre-K that I officially fell under the umbrella of "stay at home mom" SAHM. I never felt comfortable with that title. Fresh off of the "working mom" boat, I knew how a SAHM was stereotyped. I wasn't going to be "lazy" or "enjoy" what working moms said, "must be nice". 

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Telling My Story Part 2
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Telling My Story Part 2

After I went buck wild at the age of 19 for a solid year, I actually settled down. I worked as if my life depended on it. I always strived to get out of my current job to get promoted into another one and make more money and I always wrestled with the idea that I should be doing something else...

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I went back to the drawing board...
Marketing Marketing

I went back to the drawing board...

Yesterday didn't quite go as planned. My team lost the Super Bowl for one. But leading up to that I burnt dinner and I had to go back to the drawing board. I've been getting up at 5:00 am for countless days straight, so being tired and burnt beans had everything to do with my bad mood yesterday. Fortunately, the schools were on a two-hour delay today and I gave myself an extra hour in bed. So I've got a little pep back in my still grumpy step.

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Worthy of my dreams...
Prompt Writing Prompt Writing

Worthy of my dreams...

Where I am on January 28, 2016 is where I wanted to be this time last year. When February rolled in last year I said, "OMG, it's February." Repeat that and insert each of the remaining months and that's how my year went. Last year FLEW by, and I was so disappointed in myself about what I hadn't yet accomplished. Fast forward to the new year...

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The Rookie Fan, the Old Man & Football
My Daddy My Daddy

The Rookie Fan, the Old Man & Football

For as long as you've known me IRL or via this blog, you know football hasn't been my thing. I had nothing but complaints for it. You can't love what you don't understand. This season (last year) was Christopher's third year of playing, and my first year really enjoying it....

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Telling My Story
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Telling My Story

As early as age 10, I knew that I wanted to be a writer. My mom had taken me to see Maya Angelou.  I listened to Maya Angelou’s voice as she read some of her poetry and I fell in love with what I knew in my heart I could do. I loved writing poems and short stories...

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I Choose Peace

I Choose Peace

In Kenya's world, peace can be defined in just a few ways. I try to keep my t's crossed and i's dotted, but not everything can be controlled. In the real world the stars will never be aligned to perfection. Not even if I win the jagillion-dollar Powerball. 

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Hess to be rebranded as Speedway
Prompt Writing Prompt Writing

Hess to be rebranded as Speedway

On November 30th, I strolled into "Hess", not noticing that the sign had changed I asked, "Where are the Hess trucks?" The lady behind the counter said, "Speedway has acquired Hess retail, so you can only buy them online." She offered, "We have Speedway trucks." I thanked and no thanked her and high-tailed it to another Hess because I didn't believe her...

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