All Good Things Must Come to an End...

It has taken two months, but I've lost 10 pounds - for real - no April fools! I've got my junk/candy eating under such control, I didn't even think about making Christopher an Easter basket in which I'd eat half of whatever I was putting in it. One for Christopher, one for mom. I was in the grocery store the day before Good Friday and I said, "Oh my gosh, Sunday is Easter." It snuck up on me.

The Last Easter Basket

I decided not to make him a basket, rather concentrating on what would be our Sunday dinner and getting the ingredients to make a lowfat cake. My rationale was that he was a teen now, too old for an Easter basket. Though it was really about me not wanting any temptation after I'd been so good. 

I've made him an Easter basket each year since he was a year old.

The Last Easter Basket

Last year he was with my parents for Spring Break. Before I left to go pick him up, I'd given his room a big boy makeover. But I still made him an Easter basket and had it sitting in the middle of the bed for his return home. 

This Easter, we went to church and returned home like normal. After church I'd made a big production of giving him a list of chores he needed to get done by the end of the day while watching his face drop before I announced, "APRIL FOOLS!" 

A few minutes later he came into the kitchen where I was and said, "Um mom? Is there anything hidden?" I said, "Hidden?" It took a second for my brain to register that he was wondering if I'd hidden an Easter basket.

I said, "No bud. You're a teenager now. I didn't think you'd want one." My 'little' boy said, "I'm not too old for that."

He hovered, waiting to see if I'd crack a 'just kidding' smile and say April Fools.

I felt SO bad. 

Boy did I rip the bandaid off. 

So how old you were when you stopped getting an Easter basket? I got them well into high school because my brother was still in elementary school.

Sporadically Yours,

This was a Finish the Sentence Friday post. It's the standard prompt for Week 1 of the Finish the Sentence Friday writing community. I'm co-hosting with Kristi Campbell of Finding Ninee and this week we are finishing the sentence, "This April Fools and/or Easter".

Join us for next week's FTSF prompt, a Listicle post, where we will share "10 things I hate more than anything".


A Cause for Annoyance


The Whole is Greater Than the Sum of its Parts