What would Jesus say?

Earlier this week I linked up with Monday Listicles where we listed quotes from ten movies. I listed a variety of movies, and whomever was able to guess my #10 won a copy of The Christopher Chronicles. 

I didn't think it would be that hard, it was a "Mater" quote from Cars 2. I knew the winner would probably be a mom with a child in the age range of Christopher, who had "listened" to the movie more times than she cared to remember. That was the case, and the winner of the book goes to Pamela Zimmer at Stories of a Mom.  Pamela is also an author who contributed to the book Get Your Woman On


So back to Monday Listicles... Our Adventures with Riley, linked up ten children's movies. I asked Christopher if he wanted to help me figure them out.  His response, "Sure."

I read the lines to the movies to see if he knew what they were. He said, "I don't know", to most of them, but here's how he answered some others:

Me: What movie said this? “Go away. I’m not home!!”
Christopher: I totally know that. Gru said it in DisPECTable (Despicable) Me.

Me: What movie said this? “Excuse me, you’re biting my butt!”
Christopher: Awww, c'mon mom. You know that one. It was Marty in Madagascar.

Me: Okay how about this one? “I want the job done tonight!”
Christopher: Santa.

Me: Okay, how about this one? “I set certain rules and I expect those rules to be obeyed.”
Christopher: I don't know, but I bet Jesus said it.

Pressing my lips together to hold back laughter, I wheeled my chair around and commented on the blog post:


Here's the thing... the Age 8 Christopherisms are very matter-of-fact and literal, but still funny in my book. 


Breadcrumbs to "From the road" posts...


From this day forward...