Weekend at Mimi's...

We went to Columbia last weekend for a visit since it was a long weekend. We had a special dinner in the dining room, eating on china and everything. When mom started making all the fuss over dinner, daddy felt her head to check her temperature. Mom said it was a special occasion and daddy said we needed to visit more often.

Not sure what Christopher said here to make Granddaddy laugh. I do know that Christopher was ready to eat, but Mimi wasn't at the table yet. As we said grace while holding hands, I observed Christopher trying to bite his food like he was dunking for apples.

Since before he could talk, he would always manage to do something funny while somebody was praying. He made me laugh out loud one time. Good thing we weren't in church.

I was listening to Christopher and Granddaddy have a "private" conversation. So my daddy was asking Christopher about girls and how to get them to like you. Christopher says that girls like it when you walk around the neighborhood with your shirt off. Granddaddy says, "So if I walk around your neighborhood with my shirt off do you think I could get a girlfriend?" Christopher says, "I know you're not going to break up with Mimi so I can get a new grandma."

Then daddy asks him, "What do you think about other men looking at your mom?" Christopher didn't miss a beat, "Well if I was a teenager, I would slap 'em."

Love that kid.

I enjoyed my weekend as usual. I'm off the mommy clock when I go home. Papa Bear was out of town so I was off the wife clock as well.

I don't think I would be exaggerating if I said that daddy folded about 100 paper airplanes in two days. I seemed to be the only one bothered by all of the "trash".

Our last evening there we got Granddaddy to sit still and give The Avengers a chance. It didn't take long. The visual on the High Def was excellent and so was the surround sound. So realistic that even though this was his fourth time watching, Christopher needed the lights on and the volume down when the Hulk appeared for the first time. Mimi was interested but she only gave it about 30 minutes before retiring to bed.

First time visiting my mom at this school. Christopher asked Mimi, "Are you the Principal?"

First time visiting my mom at this school. Christopher asked Mimi, "Are you the Principal?"

The next morning it was sad watching my parents and Christopher trying to act "regular". Everyone was sad. I wish I had a spy cam for the how many hugs Christopher gave Granddaddy after Mimi had left for work. He practically sat next to him hip to hip.

When we were getting ready to leave daddy asked Christopher if he wanted to take the paper airplanes home. Christopher has told me before that it's only fun flying paper airplanes at Mimi's house. To Granddaddy he said, "No I'll leave them here. You can take better care of them than I can." 

We went to see Mimi at work on our way and she got to proudly introduce her grandson to people who had not met him.

Here she is looking official but she's calling someone to say, "My grandson and daughter are here."

Here's the thing... the title is Weekend at Mimi's because that's whose house Christopher says we are going to. Granddaddy just lives there.


Giving thanks to you...


No more excuses...