Cool Parents...

I have some really cool parents. I was telling someone the other day how close I am to my parents - close in age and relationship. I said, "If they weren't my parents, they'd probably be friends of mine." We have even bridged the gap on technology.

Today is their 42nd wedding anniversary.  


You may have read about how I went home a couple of months ago to play the Geek Squad. They were getting smartphones and a new computer.

Daddy called me last week to say, "I love my phone!" He was able to figure out something all by himself.  Even I had not been able to figure out his complicated DROID phone. He said, "I even went to AT&T and they were all scratching their heads."

Mom has texted me that she loves her iPhone. She is discovering all kinds of ways to use it. She lists her errands in notes and reminders so that she can travel in a circle and not have to back track.  

She set up her grocery list online with Publix. The list is organized by aisle. She sent me an excited email telling me that if you are logged in to Publix' website as a user, you can have access to free wifi. So instead of printing off her grocery list, she accesses it from her phone and daddy uses it too! 


They are growing geeky before my very eyes!

When the iPhone update came out couple weeks ago, I sent mom a text letting her know that it was available for download. 

I told her she could call me after she got off work and I would explain to her what to do.

I just figured she was too tired to mess with it and she would call me when she was ready. I sent her at text the following Saturday telling her that Apple added some new emoji.

See the text conversation? I was shocked. So mom and dad are figuring things out on their own. They don't need me anymore.

As I was finishing up this post, my husband came to me, "I can't get my bluetooth to work."

Here's the thing.. The Geek Squad is still in effect!


The Reflection...


Just a meeting in St. Louis...