February 29th...a Leap Year post

Four years from now, I hope that I will still be writing in this blog – no matter what. Why? Writing is my inspiration. Right now I cannot imagine a time more significant that I would not come here and share some thoughts. Let’s see what the next four years bring.


I wanted to post today, Febrary 29, 2012, so I can see that tag in my tag cloud that says LEAP YEAR and remember this is a special day. It is a momentous day because it only comes once every four years. It's not just another day.

I have a 365 Q&A 5 – year journal. I am not good with journals at all. You only have to write in a short answer for each day. I wrote it in for about three weeks until it asked me to write a haiku poem (a poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five) about my day. Today I will do the Haiku and answer 4 random questions from the book.

Remember today.

What do you wish for yourself?

Be who you are not.

  1. What do you think is your biggest shortcoming? Believe it or not, my confidence.
  2. Yes or no: everyone should have a backup plan. ……sigh. Really? I don’t know. No. Yes. NO! yes
  3. What is your dream job of the day? A columnist.
  4. What is your biggest obstacle right now? Courage.

Here’s the thing… I didn’t really want to share that, but I said I would pick four random questions from the book, so there they are. Let’s see what the next four years bring.  Inspire to be inspired.


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